Thursday, 7 January 2010

Resolve to begin your New Year resolutions in March – instant success!

The beginning of a new year does seem to be the perfect opportunity to take stock of our lives and consider how we’re doing.  Are there areas that need to be developed or curtailed?  To be created or discontinued?  However, the dark and cold days of January do not tend to deliver the energy and resolve required to actually stick to new resolutions.  I’d recommend that we consider January and February as months of planning for actions that will commence in early Spring.  This is not an excuse to slob for the first few months of the new  year.  We can maintain routines that were in place in 2009, even if they slipped over the holiday period, but new rituals that require a greater amount of stamina and enthusiasm should be kept for March when the first signs of Spring and new life begin to show.

If we look at the natural world there is a limited amount of daylight at this time of year, indicating that, if not actually hibernating, we should definitely be aiming for more times of rest and sleep.  Our times of rest can be used to gain knowledge through reading and planning for the changes that will take place in early Spring.  The cold weather dictates that this is a time of year when practical dressing is more important than the aesthetics.  But this is the perfect time to stay indoors and look through our wardrobes, discarding items that have been draining our wardrobes of energy, considering what items we need to purchase for the next season.  If you haven’t already enjoyed one this is also an ideal time to invest in a full colour and style consultation.  At this time we tend not to be rushing off to barbeques, picnics, holidays and have the time to really consider the information gained at the consultation and pore over the personal style profile that is sent after the consultation.  For those of us who have already acquired this knowledge January and February are the perfect opportunity to plan for the changes we want to implement.

So don’t feel despondent but enjoy the gift of these darker, colder months to stay indoors and plan that killer wardrobe for Spring!

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